Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm declaring Nancy Pelosi the winner of the 2008 Benedict Arnold Award...

Here's why. And I guess I should site coffee260, but I'm posting the script here. I too love the Quinn and Rose morning show and heard this same story on-air but couldn't find any print media even coming close to it. Is there anyone else out there that knows more? If this is true, then she is truly the winner of the Benedict Arnold Award. Also, there was mention of this being the reason that Nancy Pelosi brought up the whole 100 year old Armenian genocide. To piss off the Turks so they would cut off this route. UNBELIEVABLE if it's true.

Posted on Friday, April 11, 2008 11:49:35 AM by
I was listening to a talk radio show this morning. The host started talking about the trip Nancy Pelosi and 7 congress members took to Syria last spring. He talked about how he was very suspicious about the trip. The host, Jim Quinn of The Quinn & Rose Show, said it was very suspicious how after that trip the PKK, an affiliated terrorist organization in the northern border region of Iraq, started causing trouble with Turkey. Some in the conservative blog-sphere speculated that maybe Pelosi met with the PKK in hopes of inflaming tensions. Making the surge impossible and in turn loosing the war.
Because our military relies so heavily on Turkey letting us cross their border as a supply line into Iraq to supply our military. Any hostilities between the PKK and the Turks would effectively cut off that supply line. And with the PKK causing problems in Turkey there was a real possibility that could happen. Effectively making us incapable of supplying our military and the surge of troops the president announced. This seemed like one way to cripple the Iraq war and make us loose. Here's how Quinn explained it.[Rough Transcript]
Certain members of Pelosi's 7 representative delegation to Syria last spring met with officers of the PKK, an affiliated terrorist organization...this is not an assumption...this is something that several republican congressmen know with 100% certainty, but they can't come forward with it because they need to protect sources and methods...It was not Pelosi who originally had the meeting with the PKK...Nor was it Henry Waxman or the original Muslim Congressman, Keith Ellison...It was Tom Lantos and Louise Slaughter democrat from New York who had the actual meeting with members of the PKK (The Kurdistan Workers' Party), an affiliated terrorist organization, namely PJAK (An arm of the PKK who were tasked with handling the battle within Iraq.) leader Rahman Haji Ahmadi, and other PKK and KCK officers...He said that one PKK officer Marrett Kereillin(spelling) has even bragged of this and other meetings in interviews in English and Arabic and Farci language publications...This is all the source could and likely will say...He feels if this story continues to get talked about it could break in the national media...the possibility of some Kurd or even a PKK member or a sister terrorist organization might be willing to discuss what they know...or one of the intelligent sources, French, US, Israeli, Iraqi, who already are aware of the meeting will finally see the need to leak it...or even a democratic staffer will come forward with the facts...
If this is true we have a bunch of people in the congress of the United States who have committed treason...they have actually consorted with the enemy to create a situation that cuts off the supply line to an American military operation...Tom Lantos is dead...Louise Slaughter is still alive...
If this is true...this is's so big the average American can't even get their head around the idea that the Speaker of the House would lead an entourage to try to undermine a military operation and put our people in danger.

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