Tuesday, May 18, 2010

They Came First for the Goonies 
and I Didn't Speak Up

From the ever vigilant Mark Steyn readership...

Mark, just finished your column regarding the West's spineless approach to confronting radical (and non-radical) Islam. Shortly after finishing your column, I watched The Goonies with my kids on ABC Family.

If you remember, one of the Goonies, Chunk, is a kid who has cried wolf a few too many times. As he’s talking to the cops on the phone about the mayhem that is ensuing, the cop says, "Yeah, like that time you told me about the fifty ******* terrorists who took over all the Sizzler steakhouses in the city?" The ******* was mysteriously silent; bleeped without the bleep, so to say. So I Googled the line.

Well, the real line is "Yeah, like that time you told me about the fifty Iranian terrorists who took over all the Sizzler steakhouses in the city?" So this line was a perfectly acceptable line in a kids movie in 1985— shortly after the hostage crisis— but now, for some reason, we're too afraid to utter "Iranian terrorists" on a network nobody is watching?

As my texting friends would say, “WTF?”


THEY CAME FIRST for the Goonies 
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a fan THEN THEY CAME for South Park ,
and I didn't speak up because I don’t watch Comedy Central. 

 and by that time no one was left to speak up.

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