I named my blog after Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus -- A Roman consul who served only long enough to save his Republic before returning to his farm. Cincinnatus was the inspiration for the Order of Cincinnatus, to which George Washington and Lafayette and many other American Patriots were members. Omnia relinquit servare rempublicam - He relinquished everything to serve the Republic.
Space? Isn't that an old-fashion word that doesn't have any meaning anymore kind-of like "In the year of our Lord" and the entire U.S. Constitution....
Nice photo shop! It makes me wonder if the invention of magic flying carpets, like global warming, will be officially endorsed by NASA scientists.
It's the only technology left to the them (Left with a capital "L") after NASA embarks on phony global warmism and touchy feely Muslim relations!
I'm old enough to remember when NASA's mission was to get us into space!
Space? Isn't that an old-fashion word that doesn't have any meaning anymore kind-of like "In the year of our Lord" and the entire U.S. Constitution....
Now you're just bumming me out!
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