Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Campaign Analysis for 2010: It's The I.N.A.F.J. Vote

Campaign 2010 will be about the I-Need-A-Freakin-Job vote. The main stream media will try to make it about incumbents or the tea party but really it will be the Unemployment vote that will matter. So lets break it down...

Jobless for 27 Weeks & over, seasonally adjusted, unemployment rate is at 45.5%
Teen and student unemployment is at 25.7%
Black unemployment is at 15.4%
Unemployment for men is at 9.9%
Current overall unemployment is 9.5% down from 10%

I rest my case...


KOOK said...

JOBS...biden's favorite three letter word...

KOOK said...

exactly right Lady C.

Lady Cincinnatus said...

Biden. Heh.